Our last day in Guangzhou; bittersweet. This trip has exceeded all expectations I had. Grace seems to be adjusting well; still the happiest little baby. In addition to her two bottom teeth, her two front teeth are coming in.
Lunch was at the hotel bar - hotdogs and beer for mom and me; Malia opted for some noodle soup. Was actually quite good. The bar is having it's eight annual Octoberfest soon; looks to be a good time with German food and beer.
We said good bye to our excellent guide Jason and the rest of the CCAI families and took a van to Hong Kong. We had the option of flight or much cheaper train ride, but with all the luggage and new baby we opted for the van and have no regrets. We had our first rain in Guangzhou; it has been hot and sunny with a few days with a nice breeze. Mom got one more scarf at the shopping area near the hotel; I believe they know us by name now...